Chapters 5 & 19 (Thermochemistry & Thermodynamics)

Virtual Chemistry Experiments & Tutorials

Chapter 5 (Thermochemistry)

Chapter 5 Syllabus

Ch. 5 Summary & Practice (Kenston login required)

(Quizlet) Chemistry: The Central Science (Ch.5)

(Quizlet) Chemistry: The Central Science 13th Edition Chapter 5 Equations/math only

KHS Thermochemistry Video

Student Video (____) – (Sect. 5.1) The Nature of Chemical Energy

Student Video (____) – (Sect. 5.2) The First Law of Thermodynamics

Student Video (Jake S) – (Sect. 5.3) Enthalpy

Student Video (Michael T) – (Sect. 5.4) Enthalpies of Reaction

Student Video (_____) – (Sect. 5.5) Calorimetry

Student Video (Marcus Steinmetz)-Hess’s Law (Sect. 5.6) (Tutorial) (Practice)

Student Video (_____) – (Sect. 5.7) Enthalpies of Formation

Student Video (Jackson L) – (Sect. 5.8) Bond Enthalpies

Student Video (Michael T) – (Sect. 5.9) Food and Fuels

Can You Cook a Chicken by Slapping It? (Video 1) (Video 2) (Video 3)

Chapter 5 Quizlet

Arson Investigation Accelerants

VLab – Calorimetry

Standard Thermodynamic Values Table

Chapter 19 (Chemical Thermodynamics)

Chapter 19 Syllabus

Ch. 19 Summary & Practice (Kenston login required)

Thermodynamics Introductory Video

Khan Academy-Thermodynamics

Chapter 19 Vocab Quizlet